What’s on at Leeds College of Building..

What’s on at LCB….

We will be sending one email per month to keep you up to date with ‘What’s on at LCB’.

2021/2022 School Leaver Course Guide 

Please find our 2021/22 school leaver course guide here. 

Applying for next year

We are accepting applications for next year and these can be made directly via the College website https://www.lcb.ac.uk/apply/ 

We will also be using https://www.startinleeds.com/start-to-apply/. The system for us to receive applications from here is currently being set up so I will send an update once students can start applying.

Virtual Open Event – Saturday 21 November, 10am – 1pm

Please visit Virtual Open Event to register for the virtual open event. On the morning of the event a link to the page will be sent to everyone who has registered and visitors will be able to watch videos, chat to us live on the website or request a call back.

I have attached an open event poster for you with this date and our other events.

Resources for Schools 

The virtual open event page will be available to access after the event too so this information should also be useful for you to use for careers IAG. You can also check out our Careers A-Z.

Career of the month – Building Services Engineer

Building Services Engineers are responsible for advising architects on the most cost-effective engineering services that a building requires, which must be environmentally friendly. These services include heating, lighting, ventilation, air-conditioning, electrical and water. Often a Building Services Engineer will specialise in one field, for example Mechanical Engineering which covers the air conditioning and heating etc.

Find out more here: 

