The University of Sheffield 2020/21

This year is presenting many challenges when it comes to delivering teaching and HE guidance to your students, and we would like to offer our support as best we can.

During the first half term of the academic year, we have delivered dozens of virtual sessions to schools and colleges, and a few face to face ones too!

As we enter another lockdown, I’m getting in touch to let you know how we can virtually support your students through the university application process.

The response to our virtual sessions has been very positive so far, and by using our Blackboard platform for the majority of sessions, means we can present to multiple groups simultaneously, and even to students working from home if required.

We have a wide range of HE talks, designed to meet Gatsby benchmarks, which we would be delighted to deliver to your students at a time that works for you. The format, content and timings of these talks are very flexible, so please don’t hesitate to request something more bespoke, including subject specific talks.

We have over 16 online taster lectures available to book in a broad range of subject areas. A great way for students to explore potential degrees and an activity which can also double up as personal statement content. 

We are running a series of UCAS themed ‘twilight sessions’ every Wednesday 4pm-6pm where students can drop in to ask us their questions and get application tips and advice. Register your interest and sign up for a taster session

We also have a number of online resources, presentations and activities on our Virtual Schools Hub which your students and their supporters can take advantage of.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch to request a bespoke talk or a Q&A session for your students.